Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Killing Time?

In my conversations around town a troubling phrase keeps coming up. More than five people in the last week have mentioned that they did one thing or another to "kill" time while they were waiting for something to happen. Killing time? I know that I have said this on a few rare occasions but it seemed odd and a bit alarming that so many people are not using their time to the best of their abilities.

We all have those short stretches of time where we are waiting to move from one mode to another. The question is - How can we use even those teeny, tiny times to our advantage?

Waiting for appointments? Have a folder of things you really want to read, not just what is supplied in the waiting rooms. It is also a time to read/sort mail.

Sitting in traffic? Consider a good book on CD/TAPE/MP3. Check your local library for titles to borrow. Also, check iTunes for their free selections.

Watching TV? What hobby or activity could you pick up to make that time more fruitful? Maybe even a time for exercise(?!)

Whenever your bits of wasted time occur, it is possible to take back your time and use it well. If you don't use your time, it WILL be wasted... and we all know just how valuable time really is!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wishing... then doing!

I wish that I could say that my house is perfect, that my children are angels and that my life is bliss. Yes, my life is great but it is a REAL life with ups and downs. At this very second I can hear my three year old crying downstairs because she doesn't want to help my husband pick up the messes she has made today. Yes, messes do happen... even in an organizer's home.

My family is about to take a huge step out into the unknown. My husband's job is ending in June and we don't know where we are going yet. My business is growing but it doesn't feed us and house us quite yet. I find myself wishing a lot these days. Wishing for stability, wishing for someone else to pack my moving boxes for me, wishing for it to be a year from now instead of right now. Today it occurred to me. I have to stop wishing and just start doing. "Inch by inch, life is a cinch. right?"

So what am I doing? I am being faithful to the processes that I know and always try to use. Maybe they will be helpful to you too.

Sort and open my mail each day
Do my best to answer and delete email each day
Keep up with the laundry
Make the beds - even when I don't feel like it
Start everyday by looking at the calendar and making sure I have a "flight plan"
Buy only the things that I really need
Avoid food that is neon-colored or clearly not "real" food
Pray or be still at least once each day
Shower, no matter what!
Be thankful about something and/or someone... then let him/her know about it
End the day with a clean(ish) desk
Always have extra batteries... and a secret stash of cookies
Get enough protein (hard since I am a veggie)
Try not to be "grouchy mommy"
Clean out the refrigerator once a week
Still have a date night with my husband
Ask for help (that one is really hard for me)
Love myself more
Listen to others more
Cut out the things that don't really matter to me (or the ones I love)
Drive slower
Listen to music as much as possible
Read something everyday (even if it is only a few moments in the bathroom)
Give my things away to those who really need them
Smile... even when I am by myself
Trust what is to come....
.... Julian of Norwich was right -
"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well"