Thursday, September 27, 2007

It finally happened to me...

You hear stories about it... and you think somehow you will be different from the rest. It hit me today. I am officially an American mom.

  • I drive a minivan.
  • I went for a trial aerobics class today (and it kicked my butt!).
  • I actually carry one of those quilted mommy bags I swore off as a young adult.
  • Right now I am waiting for macaroni and cheese to cook. (Yes, the orange kind I promised never to pass the lips of my children.)
  • I spent part of the day in the doctor's office with a cranky almost two year old.
  • I enrolled in Weight Watchers this year to drop those last few baby weight pounds.
  • Half of the beverages I consumed today were "stolen" from a sippy cup.

....Need I go on?

The temptation is to mark these off as tiny defeats in the person I thought I would be... but I have to tell you that (most days) it is wonderful. Motherhood is hard. There are women who will never admit it.. but it is true. Setting the scene for the rest of someones life is a big responsibility. It is also (partially) the reason why I decided to become a professional organizer. Everyone deserves to have a place to live that is memorable, safe, clean and happy. Look around at your space. What will you (and those you love) remember about that space? You have a choice...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Where did all this come from?!?!?!

"Where did all this come from?" Those are words I hear in every single home or office I visit. People are amazed at the collection of random stuff that ends up on tables, in closets, under beds, in attics, in the back seats of their cars... need I go on?

This weekend I was knee deep in teenage boy clutter when we came across an empty box that once held a chocolate Easter bunny. (Keep in mind that it is now the end of September!) This happens to most of us on one level or another. What is your "five-month-old Easter bunny box"? What is hanging around just taking up space and causing you to feel a little crazier than you normally would? Go get it now... or get it when you arrive home today. Throw it out, give it away, put it back in the rightful place... and do it now. It will feel powerful. You are powerful. Create the space you want in this world... don't simply live with the one that "happens" to you.