Monday, January 28, 2008

Bottom of the basket

I actually LIKE doing laundry... and that is a good thing since my family seems to produce plenty of it! I have a system of sorting on the floor in the upstairs hallway - darks by the playroom door, towels by the stairs, colors next to the bathroom door, etc...

...but here is where I get stuck. For the last six months there have been three pieces of laundry repeated left in the bottom of the laundry basket. 1.) Pink sheer top that needs to be handwashed. 2.) Tan shirt that needs to be dry cleaned. 3.) An orange flowing shirt that always bleeds all over the place when washed.

I am avoiding them... I cannot denigh it...
They have been passed over every week since the middle of August.

I just don't want to take the time to do what needs to be done.

Do you know what I mean?
What is your "thing" you are avoiding?

Let's both turn off our computers now and go do our "thing".
Let's not let it suck anymore energy out of us....

Let me know how it goes!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


While strolling down the aisle at the grocery store on Saturday, I met up with someone whom I haven't seen in a long time. Standing in front of the baked goods we exchanged "hellos". When asked how I was doing, my automatic response was "crazy, busy, good". I didn't even think about it. Somehow that is just the normal answer that comes out to anyone who asks.

As I rolled away, I thought how untrue my statement was. I am good and busy but not really crazy and out of control. I guess that if we don't seem or sound like we are doing, doing, doing all that we can then we are not doing enough. I guess that it would sound silly to have replied " Good to see you John. How am I? Actually I am doing quite well at managing my life in ways that make me feel balanced...My beds are made and the laundry is finished. I have allowed just enough time to bake something for the potluck tonight. I have checked my schedule twice today and I am right on track. Thank you very much. How about you?"

Think about the things you are communicating. You don't have to be doing everything, you just have to be doing the right things. Next time my response will not be "crazy, busy, good".... it will be "doing well...I am really blessed How about you"?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Clutter Kills!

Whoever said crack kills was wrong... what really kills is clutter! In all the movement of the holiday season, I let a few things pile up in my office/workroom. (Yes, it happens to me too!) While working on a school sewing project with my daughter, I made the mistake of plugging in my sewing machine with the cord running across the floor. Last minute gifts were also there waiting to be wrapped. McKenzie tripped over the bag and along came the sewing machine cord. Down, down, down crashed the machine into pieces all over the floor. The look on her face was sheer horror...but it was my fault. The good news is that McKenzie is fine but the less than good news is that the machine is a total loss. I wish they offered sewing machine medical insurance!

Saving a few minutes here and there is really going to cost me.
Take the extra time today to pick up all those things in your way.... it will really save you in the long run.