Saturday, November 1, 2008

Making Good Choices

The new PC ways we talk to kids really get under my skin sometimes. I am guilty of it - I know but some are way more out of control that I am.

I am known to call after McKenzie to "be a good friend" as she is heading onto the crowded bus in the morning. ... the the one that really gets me is "make good choices". When parents and teachers say that I want to scccreeeaaaaaammmm.

The truth remains. We all need to be reminded to make good choices. Most of our clutter desks, dirty dishes, unpaid bills and lapsed commitments are a direct result of NOT making good choices. The very nature of choice-making means that something is a "yes" and another thing is a "no". This is not easy for most of us. What you say "yes" or "no" to this week that will make a difference is your living? Start now - make that good choice today.

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