Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year's... and a new year.

I think that resolutions should be made on some random Tuesday in May. It seems like they are more viable than those that are made in the midst of holiday overeating, charged up credit cards and snowed-out exercise plans. Thinking about retooling my life each year stirs up feelings of failure, not dreams of relief.

So what do I do?

I make a promise to be gentle to myself. My natural tendency is the work myself to death. I guess that comes from my Pennsylvania Dutch (German) background. It is actually a true exercise of all my skills to do nothing.

So what does it mean to be gentle to myself?
Finding a pace that keeps me happy, engaged, and moving forward in my life.

Most of what we resolve has to do with "problems" in our pace of living . So why not do what all good doctors do - treat the root issue and NOT simply mask the symptoms.

How will you change your pace this year? What would it mean to be gentle to yourself?
Why not try it today.

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