Monday, November 19, 2007

Curious....then grossed out

Have you ever been appalled yet wickedly intrigued at the same time? Last night when I was picking over the discount bins at a store I saw just the thing that made me appalled and intrigued both at once. (By the way - you do look in those bins, right!? There are major organizational treasures hiding in there!)

There on the shelf was a brightly colored box of sour candy coated raisins. And here is the best part - the makers of these disgusting treats were proud to claim that the product contained no refined sugar ...and were being marketed as a "smart choice" for healthy kids!

It seems like an idea gone totally wrong to me. I picked up the box and even laughed out loud to someone passing with their cart. It should have been a clue when they had been marked down from 99 cents, to 69 cents and then finally to 24 cents.

Of course I bought a pack. How could I pass up such a bizarre deal??

Sitting in the parking lot I tried one. Only one... and that was enough. I normally don't make it a practice to spit things out preschooler-style but I did! I guess my "intrigued" voice spoke louder than my "appalled" sensibilities. Never again! :-}

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