Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lists... and more lists!

I am a list-maker. I write them on notepads, in my calendar, on the back of old notices from school... and even emails to myself. I get great satisfaction writing them and then crossing off things as I go along. (I have even been known to write something on there I have already done just so I can cross something off the list right away. Ahhhh, the pride of accomplishment!... and the power of a pen stroke....

Tonight at my computer I was consolidating the half completed lists so I was ready to start my week fresh with a one, new "to do" list when I simply had to laugh out loud. There still waiting to be crossed out was this -


Why is this so funny?

Chopin is the dog my older daughter is currently dog sitting and Aberlin in my younger daughter. The fact that I would group them together in one thought made me laugh and laugh!

The good news is that they only share a line on my "to do" list... and not the same bath water!

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